Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Become Independently Wealthy or a Butt Pirate ?

So I was trying to figure out how Fred and I could become independently wealthy so we could live the good life in Paris and not worry about money.

First thing's first, what exactly IS independently wealthy? What does it mean? Fred got a good laugh at that question.  He said "how could you want to be something when you don't even know what it is? It's like wanting to be a Butt Pirate because you think it's the Pirate who is in charge of the back side of the boat." Well, he's got one thing right, they'd certainly be in charge of the backside.

So after checking the dictionary, well actually the Wictionary since it's not in Merriam-Webster, I found out that I was right! Vindication! A Butt Pirate no longer.  To be independently wealthy is to have wealth enough so as not to rely on others or work for financial support. Sounds nice, right?

Back to the task at hand.  How can we achieve this? We've come up with a numbered list below, in no particular order, and we think we could achieve one or maybe three of these things.  Feel free to add anything you think might work?

1. Publish a book for lots of money and get royalties for life
2. Sell Mr. PC after building it up to be some crazy mega company that everyone loves
3. Sell Magellan (see above)
4. Win the lottery for like a lot of money - Fred suggested that we win at least 200 million dollars
5. Invent something really really cool and patent it (the whole royalties for life thing again)
6. Become real estate tycoons (just me, because Fred doesn't want to)
7. Inherit a ton of money (see #4 for amount preferred)

Oh and here is my horoscope for today courtesy of Yahoo! Astrology:
It's funny how much will work out well when you assume that things will be fine, and how things can go terribly wrong when you assume that. Self-fulfilling prophecies can be thwarted when you're aware of exactly how you're setting your plans in motion. This isn't to say that blind optimism is the way to go in this situation -- you should definitely cover your bases while you can. While you're doing that, however, you should also expect the best. What have you got to lose? "

Positive thinking!

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