So I have to give up some freedoms like making my own schedule and being my own boss, but less than three weeks into it, I don't miss the pressure that comes with owning your own business. After working for myself for the last 5 years, it's nice to be paid even when you don't work.

My hours are pretty sweet. I get out of work at 4:30pm and then have the rest of the day to myself- well, I have the rest of the day to go to class at WPU Monday - Wednesday nights and teach Thursday and Friday nights.
One of the hardest things about this job has been the French part. I work on the Air France account and we speak French within our team, the AF Account Management Team, and with the French Team. I understand almost everything that is said, but I am having a very hard time expressing myself. Practice makes perfect and I know that with time, patience and practice, my speaking will improve :)
Who knows, maybe next week I will be able to work a full 5-day 37.5-hour work week.
Picture: Cleopatra driving down the parkway on her daily commute to work.