I'm ready to buy an apartment in Paris; I wish my bank account were ready too. The picture that is at the top of my blog is actually a picture from an awesome apartment in the 15th Arrondisement on Avenue de Suffren. This is literally right across the street from the Eiffel Tower. Although the neighborhood has the potential to be a little too touristy, there is really a nice mixture of souvenir shops and local stores.
One of those local stores is a cheese shop right around the corner from the "Eiffel Tower Loft" - the name we gave the apartment - called "La Ferme du Champ de Mars" located on rue Desaix. This fromagerie has no website, no fancy storefront, it's just a place to buy authentic cheese
Only being in Paris a few hours, we were a little intimidated to go into the shop, but we were hungry and we wanted cheese. We had just bought a steaming hot baguette from the boulanger down the street and our mouths were salivating from the smell of the bread and the look of the cheese.
When we walked into the shop, we were greeted by the warm smile of the woman behind the counter. She spoke no English and I had still not gotten my sea legs, so our transaction took a little longer than it maybe should have taken. We all did a lot of pointing, a lot of smiling and a lot of tasting.
So, we walked out of there with a small wheel of Camembert and pepper Brie. After tasting the Camembert, we went back and bought 14 more wheels - one for each of our wedding welcome bags. The pepper Brie has become an obsession of ours. We have not been able to find anything like it here in the US and can't wait to get back to Paris to eat it again. We leave in less than three weeks and I know that there are a lot of fromageries in Paris, but La Ferme du Champ de Mars is on our list of first stops!
Fred and I rented this apartment for our last trip to Paris in September/October 2008 (for our wedding).
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Paris is always a good idea
I am not sure who first said it, or who coined it, but Paris is always a good idea.
10 years ago I left my heart in Paris and ever since I have been thinking and dreaming of that amazing city. As you may know, we were married in Paris in September 2008 (see picture below - by the way, the carousel was moving when the picture was taken) and we plan to move there in 4 years I am always thinking of ways to support and sustain our life when we are in Paris and I think that we have stumbled upon a pretty darn good idea.
More details to follow soon.
Just know that I was put on this planet to help people and if I can combine that with Paris, then we all are winners.
Friday, February 26, 2010
A full work week
Speaking of my new job, since starting on Monday, February 8th, I have not yet worked a full 37.5 hour work week. The first week we had off on Wednesday due to snow, the Monday of the second week was President's Day and now the office closed early yesterday due to inclement weather and they are closed again today due to snow.
So I have to give up some freedoms like making my own schedule and being my own boss, but less than three weeks into it, I don't miss the pressure that comes with owning your own business. After working for myself for the last 5 years, it's nice to be paid even when you don't work.
The one thing that I never really got used to was being alone in the "office". I would sometimes have to turn on the TV for company when I didn't have students, or when I was at home doing administrative work. I do miss my former "colleagues", but it's nice to have human colleagues again, and it's even nice to hear the white noise of people talking on the other side of the cubicle.
My hours are pretty sweet. I get out of work at 4:30pm and then have the rest of the day to myself- well, I have the rest of the day to go to class at WPU Monday - Wednesday nights and teach Thursday and Friday nights.
One of the hardest things about this job has been the French part. I work on the Air France account and we speak French within our team, the AF Account Management Team, and with the French Team. I understand almost everything that is said, but I am having a very hard time expressing myself. Practice makes perfect and I know that with time, patience and practice, my speaking will improve :)
Who knows, maybe next week I will be able to work a full 5-day 37.5-hour work week.
Picture: Cleopatra driving down the parkway on her daily commute to work.
So I have to give up some freedoms like making my own schedule and being my own boss, but less than three weeks into it, I don't miss the pressure that comes with owning your own business. After working for myself for the last 5 years, it's nice to be paid even when you don't work.

My hours are pretty sweet. I get out of work at 4:30pm and then have the rest of the day to myself- well, I have the rest of the day to go to class at WPU Monday - Wednesday nights and teach Thursday and Friday nights.
One of the hardest things about this job has been the French part. I work on the Air France account and we speak French within our team, the AF Account Management Team, and with the French Team. I understand almost everything that is said, but I am having a very hard time expressing myself. Practice makes perfect and I know that with time, patience and practice, my speaking will improve :)
Who knows, maybe next week I will be able to work a full 5-day 37.5-hour work week.
Picture: Cleopatra driving down the parkway on her daily commute to work.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A New Job - a pre-blog blog
After most of my students finished their contracted lessons and went back to their home countries, I was pretty much out of work and out of money. It was tough in November and December of 2009, so in January 2010 I decided I was going to get a new career. Here is the intention that I put out to the Universe- typed as written:
I am going tofind get a job a career that I love and that pays well, by March 1st 2010 so that we can pay off all of our bills and debt by the end of 2010 and save money for when to help facilitate our move to, our endeavors in and our life in France.
I am happy to say that on Monday, February 8th, 2010, I got a career that fills the intention above. I am an Account Representative at O'Sullivan Communications in West Caldwell, NJ for their Air France account and my team speaks French.
So, I am surrounded by French about 75% of the day!
The first week was awesome. My spoken French was not so bad, but the second week was much harder. I realize that I am missing work specific vocabulary as well as the ability to express myself in detail or quickly. These are things that I am going to work on over the next few weeks. I am also going to report back with more intentions for the Universe.
In the mean time, stay cool and I'll be here at least once a week starting tomorrow, Monday, February 22, 2010 talking about different stuff.
Picture caption: Excuse me, I want to speak French with you!
I am going to
So, I am surrounded by French about 75% of the day!
The first week was awesome. My spoken French was not so bad, but the second week was much harder. I realize that I am missing work specific vocabulary as well as the ability to express myself in detail or quickly. These are things that I am going to work on over the next few weeks. I am also going to report back with more intentions for the Universe.
In the mean time, stay cool and I'll be here at least once a week starting tomorrow, Monday, February 22, 2010 talking about different stuff.
Picture caption: Excuse me, I want to speak French with you!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My Horoscope in English and French and the 2010 Census
So here is my daily horoscope from the website http://www.astrotogether.com/ - Check out the website. It uses your Natal Chart to forecast for you and not just your sun sign. You can view this site in English and in French (now you know why I like it so much!)
Her is my horoscope with a little introduction:
The Daily horoscope is based on the transits of the faster moving planets (theSun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) through the planets of your birth chart. To know what kind of energies are at your disposal for the day, simply click theConstellation in which the transits are taking place. Here you will discover which part of your life is affected and the nature of events that you may encounter. These energies are short-lived.
"My energies are here for you today, I'm assisting you ! You can go quickly, feel confident, and strong. It is a good time for thinking about new actions and projects."
and in French:
L'horoscope quotidien individuel est basé sur l’étude des transits des Planètes du jour (planètes mobiles) sur les Planètes (planètes fixes) de votre thème astral et des énergies pouvant en découler.
"Je suis cent pour cent avec vous et vous assiste pleinement aujourd'hui, vous pouvez vous sentir confiant(e), sûr(e) de vous et envisagez de nouveaux projets et actions sans vous poser de questions, toute sorte de projets, familiaux, professionnels ou immobiliers."
The next "new action/ new project" is that I am looking for a "normal" job - I am always on the lookout for something cool and exciting. The truth is that most of my clients are gone and I need something to make some more money to take the pressure off of Fred, to pay down/off bills, and to save for our move in a few years.
Don't get me wrong, he is doing a great job, but he needs help.
Keep your fingers crossed for me to find a job and I will be back later on tonight with an update on my super long acronym.
Remember: Don't look back. Live today and dream for tomorrow.
Merci et a bientôt
Her is my horoscope with a little introduction:
The Daily horoscope is based on the transits of the faster moving planets (theSun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) through the planets of your birth chart. To know what kind of energies are at your disposal for the day, simply click theConstellation in which the transits are taking place. Here you will discover which part of your life is affected and the nature of events that you may encounter. These energies are short-lived.
"My energies are here for you today, I'm assisting you ! You can go quickly, feel confident, and strong. It is a good time for thinking about new actions and projects."
and in French:
L'horoscope quotidien individuel est basé sur l’étude des transits des Planètes du jour (planètes mobiles) sur les Planètes (planètes fixes) de votre thème astral et des énergies pouvant en découler.
"Je suis cent pour cent avec vous et vous assiste pleinement aujourd'hui, vous pouvez vous sentir confiant(e), sûr(e) de vous et envisagez de nouveaux projets et actions sans vous poser de questions, toute sorte de projets, familiaux, professionnels ou immobiliers."
Good horoscope today - I am always thinking about new actions and projects. For example, I am going today to take the "Test for Field Employee Position" for the 2010 Census. Isn't that interesting? My mom told me that the Federal Government is looking for temporary employees for the 2010 Census and I figured why not. If you are interested in finding out more information go to: http://2010.census.gov/2010censusjobs/
The next "new action/ new project" is that I am looking for a "normal" job - I am always on the lookout for something cool and exciting. The truth is that most of my clients are gone and I need something to make some more money to take the pressure off of Fred, to pay down/off bills, and to save for our move in a few years.
Don't get me wrong, he is doing a great job, but he needs help.
Keep your fingers crossed for me to find a job and I will be back later on tonight with an update on my super long acronym.
Remember: Don't look back. Live today and dream for tomorrow.
Merci et a bientôt
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Work from Big to Small - FFFPPPALITP - how's that for an acronym
I wrote in my journal that I had to blog tonight, so I am going to take 30 minutes to do this and see how it goes. I hope that I am able to wrap it up well at the end of 30 minutes. BTW - the last time I wrote in my Journal was on October 6, 2008. We were still in Paris and I was watching the Eiffel Tower twinkle from the honeymoon apartment (picture above). That is my motivation to not only get back to Paris, but to get back in style and not have to worry about money.
Don't forget to have your money work for you. $$$
The theme today is to work from big to small. In keeping with my France themed blog, or life, I have realized that this is what has to happen if we want to move to France in 4.5 years and have it work. The big is that we want to move to France in 4.5 years and the small is keeping us on the path to get there. This is where the acronym comes in: FFFPPPALITP
1. Future
2. Fitness
3. Finance
4. Planning
5. Preparation
6. Positive Attitude
7. Living In The Present
I am going to focus on and do all of these things listed above.
It is unbelievable that it has been 1 year and almost 4 months since we've been back from Paris and, it has been almost that long since we've consistently worked out. By the way - I am about 12 lbs heavier this December than I was last December - and I was at post-wedding weight to boot. I recently realized that I have been in some state of depression since October 2008 and this has got to stop. In order to conquer this depression, I am going to live in the present and plan for the future. I am very good at both of these things. I am also going to stop looking back at the past - it was awesome but it is over.
I have 7 minutes left and 8% left on the battery in my laptop - I'll continue.
A few things that I have to do:
1. Continue to gather the paperwork for possible EU citizenship is a good thing to start with.
2. Exercise
3. Turn down new student but get the ball rolling for substitute teaching - Do CARTUS paperwork
4. File on my desk
5. Schedule next French tutoring session
6. I can do this and I deserve this
7. Blogging and writing in my journal.
Thanks for reading!!!
Don't forget to have your money work for you. $$$
The theme today is to work from big to small. In keeping with my France themed blog, or life, I have realized that this is what has to happen if we want to move to France in 4.5 years and have it work. The big is that we want to move to France in 4.5 years and the small is keeping us on the path to get there. This is where the acronym comes in: FFFPPPALITP
1. Future
2. Fitness
3. Finance
4. Planning
5. Preparation
6. Positive Attitude
7. Living In The Present
I am going to focus on and do all of these things listed above.
It is unbelievable that it has been 1 year and almost 4 months since we've been back from Paris and, it has been almost that long since we've consistently worked out. By the way - I am about 12 lbs heavier this December than I was last December - and I was at post-wedding weight to boot. I recently realized that I have been in some state of depression since October 2008 and this has got to stop. In order to conquer this depression, I am going to live in the present and plan for the future. I am very good at both of these things. I am also going to stop looking back at the past - it was awesome but it is over.
I have 7 minutes left and 8% left on the battery in my laptop - I'll continue.
A few things that I have to do:
1. Continue to gather the paperwork for possible EU citizenship is a good thing to start with.
2. Exercise
3. Turn down new student but get the ball rolling for substitute teaching - Do CARTUS paperwork
4. File on my desk
5. Schedule next French tutoring session
6. I can do this and I deserve this
7. Blogging and writing in my journal.
Thanks for reading!!!
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